Monday, August 10, 2009

How to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat Today

Loosing the 'stubborn' belly fat probably has been the number one task on your to-do-list, since last year. Yes, since last year! But, up until now, there is still no proven results and changes to your figure. You might wonder why?.

The number one reason behind this problem is due to the lack of consistency among dieters. To find dieting and loosing weight success, your action needs to be neurologically associated with your emotions and minds. This is the only way you can find consistency and stick to your programs without anyone telling you.

For example, associate and imagine yourself with the 'new you' once you have completed this dieting and exercising 3 months later. How would you feel with a slimmer body, better figure and health. This is your motivation to stimulate your action. Maybe you'll have much better chances in a relationship and courting. Yes, i said maybe!

What is the function of your belly or abs?

As told by many experts, the abs functions "to shorten the distance between your sternum, or breastbone, and your pelvis. The only way to do this is to bend your spine in the lower back region. In short, any exercise which makes you move your sternum toward your pelvis or your pelvis toward your sternum is good. "

You can reduce your belly fat and get in shape fast by walking for at least 25 minutes a day, run steadily for 12 minutes, cycling for at least 17 minutes daily and dance for 20 minutes. All this activity doesn't require much cost and use very little time. So basically, there is no excuse. I repeat, there is no excuse!

You can do it if you want to, you will achieve it if you want it badly! If you really feel that doing this alone is hard, you can find and hire a personal trainer or coach in your local gym to help you. That way, you will stay on course and hopefully stick to your plan in your mission to lose that 'stubborn' belly fat of yours.

To stick to your dieting and program you need a proper programs. Why not do today than later. Read our next article on 5 Facts You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat and Get Six Pack Abs here

As published in :
MLA Style Citation:
K., Salim "How to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat Today." How to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat Today. 29 Jul. 2009. 10 Aug 2009 .

Your Dieting Coach!

Article Source:

Truth About Abs - Testimony